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How Often Do You Need BOTOX In Masseter Muscle?

By: Beauty Coordinators


Having a wide or boxy face can, understandably, make someone feel self-conscious about their look. Women with a square face shape often feel less feminine, while both men and women may appear heavier than they actually are due to the shape of their face. For patients who are overweight, losing weight may help to slim the face to some degree. However, countless men and women who are already at a healthy, stable weight still have a disproportionately wide face. In many cases, this can be attributed to an enlarged or prominent masseter muscle. Don’t be discouraged, though! The expert team of licensed medical estheticians and injectors at Body+Beauty Lab in Philadelphia, PA is proud to provide nonsurgical masseter BOTOX® injection, an exciting and innovative treatment designed to slim the face for a more appealing, attractive facial contour.

What is the masseter muscle?

The masseter muscle is present on both sides of the face, near the outer cheek and jawline. While it plays a role in several facial expressions and functions, it is primarily involved in chewing, and opening and closing the jaw.

What causes the masseter to become enlarged?

Having a prominent or enlarged masseter muscle can make men and women feel that their face shape is too wide or square. This can not only make a person feel less attractive, but it can also contribute to a heavier overall look, even when the patient is not overweight. Furthermore, having one masseter that is larger than the other can result in a noticeable asymmetry of the face. The most common causes of masseter muscle enlargement include:

  • Genetics
  • Ethnicity: patients of Asian descent tend to have more prominent masseter muscles
  • Excessive chewing
  • Chewing on one side only
  • Dental problems that change chewing behavior
  • Clenching (bruxing) or grinding

Regardless of why the masseter becomes enlarged, BOTOX injection is likely to be an effective solution for restoring a more symmetric and appealing face shape.

How does BOTOX injection slim your face?

BOTOX is a well-known injectable neurotoxin that works by temporarily paralyzing the muscle. You may be familiar with the use of BOTOX for smoothing out dynamic lines on the forehead and face, but there are several additional applications for this exciting product. For patients with a wide or boxy face due to enlarged masseter muscles, Philadelphia, PA BOTOX injection can help to reduce the size of the muscle, resulting in a slimmer, more attractive face shape. When BOTOX is injected into the masseter muscle to relax or “freeze” it, it will begin to atrophy and decrease in size over time. As the muscle shrinks and thins out, patients will achieve a more ideal, slim face.

When will I see results after masseter BOTOX injection?

BOTOX takes several days to bind to the neuroreceptors and freeze the muscle. When used to relax forehead lines, patients typically achieve their ideal results after about 7 – 10 days. However, it can take several weeks for the masseter muscle to begin atrophying. As the masseter stays relaxed and continues to shrink over the next several weeks and months, patients will notice more dramatic results.

How long does BOTOX masseter injection last?

While every patient is different, the majority of men and women are able to enjoy the results of masseter BOTOX injection for up to six months before a repeat injection is needed. Furthermore, many patients begin to need fewer units of BOTOX and less frequent injections to maintain their results after several rounds of treatment.

Boost your confidence and slim down your face with masseter BOTOX injection in Philadelphia, PA

If you are self-conscious about the square shape of your face, you may have an enlarged masseter muscle. Our knowledgeable team of medical estheticians and expert injectors can help determine if BOTOX injection may help you achieve the slim, elegant face shape you’ve always wanted or if another treatment, such as nonsurgical jawline contouring, may be more appropriate for your concerns. Call Body+Beauty Lab to schedule your one-on-one consultation for masseter BOTOX injection in Philadelphia, PA, and discover how you can finally achieve or restore a stunning look you can feel confident about!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.